
Support ALIGN

Dear Friends of ALIGN, 

We are beyond humbled by all the support that we have received and continue to receive for Align Healthcare. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and we greatly appreciate each time you speak our name in your rooms, every social media share, and all the very generous monetary contributions. In large part, Align Healthcare exists because of all of you. With that said, the work does not stop here, and our fundraising efforts will be ongoing to allow us to continue to create and maintain this valuable service for the community.  

Thanks in advance for all that you do.  

We appreciate you.  




Thank you for your Align Healthcare inquiry from our website.

If this is a medical emergency, please call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room.

We are happy to help you schedule an appointment or to answer any service-related questions, and we typically reply within 24-48 hours. If you need more immediate assistance, please email us directly at

Thank you,

The Align Team